
新人教版教案(成长教育教案【教学设计】新人教版X4U4 Using Language)

                                        2019 新人教

X4U4  Sharing

Using Language

Teaching aims:

By the end of this period, students will be able to:

1.To recognise examples; pay attention to words such as like, suchas, forexample, forinstance, toillustrate, and todemonstrate.

2.To identify what is a volunteer and what is a volunteer job.

3.To express your ideas on volunteer work by using expressions of giving opinions and reasons.

4.To use the information in this unit to contribute to your awareness and understanding of volunteers that affect the world and your future.

Teaching key points:

1.Recognise examples; pay attention to words such as like, suchas, forexample, forinstance, toillustrate, and todemonstrate.

2.Identify what is a volunteer and what is a volunteer job.

Teaching difficult points:

1.Express their ideas on volunteer work by using expressions of giving opinions and reasons.

2.Use the information in this unit to contribute to their awareness and understanding of volunteers that affect the world and their futures.

Teaching procedures


1.What can you see in the photos?

2.What are they doing?


T:Dear students, look at these photos please. What information can you get from these pictures? What are they doing?

Ss:They are helping others. They are picking rubbish.

T:Yes, so have you ever been a volunteer?

Ss:Yes/No, but I always want to be a volunteer and help others.

Suggested answers:

1.Some people are doing volunteer work.

2.They are planting trees.They are visiting community residents.They are cleaning streets.They are taking care of the elderly.



1.Did you participate in a volunteer project before? Or are there any volunteer stories you would like to share?

2.What’s the purpose of the volunteer project? Where did you go? What did you do?

PurposePlaceActivityTo clean the neighbourhood...In the community...To pick up rubbish...

1.①Yes, I have helped direct traffic in the road with my classmates.②No, I have never been a volunteer.



They will probably be talking about being a volunteer. For example, the definition of “volunteer”, and the activities they do as a volunteer.



Listen to the conversation and get to know the main idea.


Listen to the conversation again and complete the table below.


suggestions for

volunteer project

donations for

help to

spend time with


activities at

Tony’s school



go to

Final decision on

volunteer project

Suggested answers:

poor students; clean up the community ;the elderly people

money to give to a different charity; food to homeless people;a children’s hospital

contact a children’s hospital and ask how they could help


Listen to the conversation again and complete the sentences.

•Perhaps we could organise donations of things for poor students. 

•Wouldn’t it be better if we did something different this year,

•Every year, our whole school raises money to give to a different charity. to a medical charity last year, and to an education charity before that.  

Suggested answers:

•such as pens and notebooks, or other school supplies

•like organising students to volunteer their time

•For instance, we donated


Listen again and discuss the questions. The expressions in the box may help you.

1.Do you think students doing volunteer work is of any use?Why or why not?

2.In your opinion, which is better,giving people things , time, or money? Why do you think so?


We might try...Couldn’t you/we...?Perhaps we could...May I suggestthat...?Would you consider...?My advice wouldbe to...Wouldn’t it bebetter if...?If I may suggestan idea,...It might be agood idea to...I’d like to suggest/recommend that...How does the idea of ...appeal to you?



Tony:Hi! Is this the meeting for student volunteers?

WangLi:Hi, Tony! Yes, it is!

Tony:Oh, hi, Wang Li! I used to volunteer at my high school in America, so I wanted to try it here in China.

Peipei:We’re glad you’re here! Our meeting today is to talk about what kind of volunteer project we should do this term.

WangLi:Peipei,may I suggest that we do something for schools in poor areas? Perhaps we could organise donations of things such as pens and notebooks, or other school supplies for poor students.

Peipei:Good idea, but we did that last year. Wouldn’t it be better if we did something different this year, like organising students to volunteer their time?

WangLi: Like what?

Peipei:Well, like cleaning up the community, taking down ads from walls, and picking up litter. It might be a good idea to contact the community office and ask how we can help. Do you guys have any other ideas?

WangLi:How about writing to some nursing homes to see if they need someone to spend time with the elderly people? We can play games, sing, or just chat!

Tony:That sounds like one of my school’s volunteer projects.

WangLi:Really? What other volunteer projects does your school take part in?

Tony:Oh, all kinds. Every year, our whole school raises money to give to a different charity. For instance, we donated to a medical charity last year, and to an education charity before that. We raise money in different ways, such as by making and selling things, or holding a marathon and asking people to promise to donate for every kilometer we run. We also have weekly volunteer groups.

Peipei:That sounds interesting! What do the groups do?

Tony:Well, on Fridays, there are student volunteers who help serve food to homeless people. And on Saturday mornings, a group of students go to a children’s hospital to cheer up all the little kids there.

WangLi:Hey, I was also thinking we could contact a children’s hospital and ask how we could help. How does that idea sound, Peipei?

Peipei:I love that idea! Thanks, Tony and Wang Li!

Tony:No problem, I’m glad to help. Volunteering is something we should all do.


Four students as a group and one is the journalist, other three students are in the same volunteer activity.

Make up a dialogue about volunteer work, using the common expressions.



Giving suggestions

May I suggest that we...?

Perhaps we could...

Wouldn’t it be better if...,like...?

It might be a good idea to...

How about ...?

I was also thinking...

Giving responses

Good idea, but...

Like what?

That sounds like...

That sounds interesting.

I love that idea!

2.Make a speech about China’s aid to other countries

Teaching aims:

By the end of this period, students will be able to:

1.Understand Zhang Bingbing’s speech in the English speech contest, and understand the structure and language characteristics of the speech.

2.Be able to write a speech on the topic of China’s aid to other countries.

3.Establish a correct outlook on life.

Teaching key points:

1.Guide students to read the article and understand the author’s rhetorical technique using rhetorical questions.

2.Guide students to give a speech on China’s aid to other countries.

Teaching difficult points:

1.Guide students to read the article and write a speech on China’s aid to other countries.

2.Guide students to understand the author’s rhetorical device using rhetorical questions.

Teaching procedures:


(Before reading)

Look at the video and answer the question:

During the outbreak of COVID-19, China has been providing help to many countries.Do you know any other countries China has helped?

Suggested answers:

The answers may vary.


Read the speech transcript and answer the following questions.

1.What are some examples of the work that Chinese people do to help others overseas?

2.Why was Bingbing upset when her mother went to Tanzania?

3.What are some of the problems people face in Tanzania?

4.What are two things that Bingbing’s mother is helping with?

5.Why is this work worth it?

Suggested answers:

1.We see Chinese workers building roads in the Congo, a port in Pakistan, railways in Panama, and an airport in Sri Lanka.And we see Chinese miners, oil workers, agricultural experts, mechanics, and doctors working in nearly every corner of the world.

2.Because she was her best friend.They talked together, they spent their leisure time together, and except for school and work, they were never apart.Her leaving meant that they could not spend time together.

3.They are facing many health problems such as dangerous diseases and the lack of cardiac hospital.

4.One project that her mother worked on was helping to build a cardiac hospital.Her mother also does a circuit of the rural villages to provide medical treatment.

5.Because it shows that we are global citizens interested in world stability, and that we feel responsible for others and are ready to build a community with a shared future for mankind.Everyone deserves a fair chance in life.

StepAnalysing: Analysethefeaturesofthespeech


What’s the main idea of the speech?

The speech is about Chinese people .The writer believes that her mother is working as a in Tanzania, Africa. 

Suggested answers:

volunteering in other countries; worth; volunteer consultant


Suggested answers:


1.What is the key rhetorical question used in this speech?

2.What is the answer to this rhetorical question?

3.What does the speaker use to get her message across?

a case studya hypothetical example

a jokea personal story

an analysis of the history and causes of the issue

facts and data

4.How did Bingbing’s feelings about the topic change, and what caused this change?

5.How does the speech end?

Suggested answers:

1.Is her work worth it?

2.Yes,to the lives of the people she is helping,it is worth it.But by any criteria this work is worth it to us as well,because it shows that we are global citizens interested in world stability,and that we feel responsible for others and are ready to build a community with a shared future for mankind.

3.Use a personal story to get her message across: her feelings about her mother’s work.

4.Her feelings about the topic changed when she knew the differences her mother and the volunteers made.Use a rhetorical question and provide the answer immediately to restate the point.

5.End the speech with a declaration and a call to action.


StructureofthespeechLanguagefeatureWayofwritingFunctionRhetoricalquestions·What if...?·Does it really matter?·Why should...?·Description of a familiar phenomenon followed by a question·An attention-grabber,followed by a statement about the topicTo attract attention of the audience to the topicAnswers to the questions·I had the same question myself.·But for me...·Telling a personal story·Using examples·Citing data·Using citationsTo make the speech convincing and inspiringEnding·Today,I want to relay to you that...·Expressing personal reflection or attitudeTo reiterate the theme



Step 1: In groups, brainstorm a list of possible causes that you could talk about.

Step 2: In pairs, go over the list and discuss these points:

·Which,if any,of the causes do you have a personal connection with?

·What personal story could you tell in relation to that cause?

·How did that affect your opinions on the issue?

·What rhetorical question could you use to begin your speech?

·What is the answer to that rhetorical question?

·What action do you want people to take as a result of your speech?

Step 3: Using what you have discussed, write a short speech.


·You can use rhetorical question to begin your speech.

·You can use the following materials to get your message across.

a case studya hypothetical example

a jokea personal story

an analysis of the history and causes of the issue

facts and data

You can end your speech with a declaration or/and a call to action.

Step 4:Exchange your draft with a partner and revise the draft using your partner’s comments.

Step 5:Present your speech and listen to your classmates’ speeches.As a class, vote on the best one.

Suggested answer:

Dear comrades who are going to aid Africa:

Hello everyone!

Our first medical team to aid Africa is about to depart, and I can’t help but think of the words in the WhoIstheLoveliestPerson:“How beautiful and broad their souls are.”This sentence is dedicated to those volunteer soldiers. Today, I want to give it to ourselves—we are volunteers and heroes of the “Africa Aid” medical team, and we are all the cutest people!

The COVID-19 struck the earth. Not only our homeland is suffering from it, but also our distant brother, Africa. So far,many African countries have confirmed cases. If we can’t offer assistance in time, it’s hard to imagine what the situation will be in Africa, where conditions are relatively backward in all aspects! The silent drums of war are beating in my heart.Everyone’s passion has been ignited, and the heroes of “Africa Aid”  are ready to take steps!

Why do we need to aid Africa?Because we know that the “Africa Aid ” action represents China’s great love.Only by working together in the same boat can we spend the winter of the epidemic.

And we will help each other to overcome the difficulty.







Suggested answer:

Dear Jim,

Glad to receive your mail.I’d like to share with you one of my volunteer experiences.

The voluntary activity took place last year, when I went to an Africa village to see the poor children in a secondary school.In order to help them, we brought them test tubes, tablets and school supplies like rubbers and school uniforms.

The experience set me thinking.Never should we take for granted what we have already possessed.We should live with grateful hearts and if possible, try to help those in need.

That’s all.What about you? Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua















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