


关于热词的其他问题:1. 是不是我把所有整理的都背过了,考试就没问题了?--:不是。各个学校出题方向和习惯不同,我们不敢保证这里的热词就是你们学校要考的,还是以真题和之前学长学姐的建议为主。2. 热词有的重复的但是写的不一样,记哪个?


3. 我只背加粗的,其他非重点不背--:我们画了重点,你可能嫌少,你也可能说不准,都没关系,考试只考30个,有的学校可能更少,所以本来就是少,非常少!但是这个热词不仅仅是为热词部分服务,翻译,写作,阅读甚至选择处处在考察你的底子!所以多背,目的性不要太强。再说重点,知道自己学校出题风格的不要看标出的重点,以自己学校出题风格为主!中国日报4月热词(更新至4.25)


中国留学生overseas Chinese students

中国留学人员健康安全health and safety of overseasChinese students

防疫物资epidemic prevention materials

健康包 health kits

重大航空运输保障机制major air transportationguarantee mechanism

包机 charter flights


扫墓 tomb-sweeping

Tomb-Sweeping Day 清明节

Cold Food Festival 寒食节

day of sacrifice 祭祀节日

offer sacrifices to ancestors 祭祖/上供

memorial essay 悼文

online tomb-sweeping 网上祭扫

internet memorial 网络纪念馆

condolence 哀悼之情

joss paper 纸钱

funeral supplies/products 殡葬用品

funeral services 殡葬服务业

commercial cemetery 经营性公墓

mortician 殡仪业者

burn incense 焚香

tomb sweeper 扫墓的人

kite flying 放风筝

spring outing 踏青

gods lantern 神灯

memorial tablet 纪念碑

online funeral 网上葬礼

online tribute 网上悼念

cremation urn 骨灰盒

mourning ceremony 哀悼仪式

inhumation 土葬

cremation 火葬

sea-burial 海葬

boat-coffin burial 船棺葬

tree burial 树葬

celestial burial 天葬

flower burials 花葬

filial piety 孝顺 孝心


非医用口罩non-surgical masks



设身处地put oneself in the shoes of

争分夺秒work aroundthe clock

炒作hype up

搞明白get straight

商务部Ministry ofCommerce

问题口罩defective facemasks



外防输入、内防反弹 guarding against imported cases and a rebound in indigenous cases

疫情防控epidemic prevention and control 

本土病例indigenous case

境外输入病例imported case

零散病例sporadic case


复工复产resume work and production


健康申报declaration of health information

集中观察 concentrated observation

入境航班 inbound flight

输入病例 imported cases

出入境防疫epidemic prevention at borders

防范疫情跨境传播curb the cross-border spread ofthe epidemic


5G消息业务 5G messaging service

物联网 Internet of Things

5G套餐5G data plans

5G商用commercialization of 5G

技术规范 technical specification

网络堵塞 network congestion

数据传输速度 data transmission speed


停止污名stop stigma

抱守旧辞stick with outdated script

种族主义攻击racist attacks


促进多样性boost diversity

学术流动性academic mobility

一损俱损a loss for all

处于危险之中at risk

每况愈下worse off


就业歧视 job discrimination

就业公平 fair employment

跳槽 job hopping

劳动合同 labor contract

共享员工 employee sharing

用工荒 workforce crunch

灵活就业 flexible employment

劳务派遣 labor dispatch


伴侣动物companion animal

陆生野生动物 wild terrestrial animals

水生动物 aquatic animals

家畜家禽 poultry and livestock

野生动物保护 wild animal protection


灭活疫苗 inactivated vaccine

临床试验 clinical trial

临床前研究 preclinical research

动物试验 animal test

毒性试验 toxicology test

有效性和安全性研究 efficacy and safety research

免疫系统 immune system


包机charter plane/flight

入境航班inbound flight

输入病例imported case

出入境防疫epidemic prevention at borders

防范疫情跨境传播curb the cross-border spread ofthe epidemic

健康申报declaration of health information

第一入境点first point of entry



释放消费潜力 unleash consumption potential

经济刺激措施 economic stimulus measure

直播电商 livestream e-commerce

市场活力 market vitality

市场预期 market expectations


健康码health QR code

集中观察 concentrated observation

居家观察 home-based observation

未见异常 no sign of abnormality

健康状态 health status

复工复产 resume work and production

差异化精准防控策略precise and differentiatedepidemic control strategies

数字化健康证明 digital health certificate

出行轨迹 travel records


高风险地区high-risk regions

传染病检疫及监测quarantining and monitoring ofinfectious diseases

病毒携带者 virus carrier

传染途径 route of transmission

输入病例 imported case

流行病学调查epidemiological investigation

集中观察 concentrated observation

外防输入、内防反弹to prevent the coronavirus fromre-entering the country to cause a new epidemic

境外输入关联病例cases resulting from viruscarriers traveling from abroad; patients infected by virus carriers travelingfrom abroad


就业优先政策 pro-employment policies

减负、稳岗、扩就业并举to take multi-prongedmeasures, including reducing corporate burdens, keeping the payroll stable, andcreating more jobs

多渠道灵活就业flexible employment throughmultiple channels

线上登记失业和申领失业保险金online registration ofunemployment and application for unemployment security insurance

精准对接劳务输出地和输入地to accurately connect bothends of labor transfer


盗窃、破坏窨井盖 theft and destruction of manhole covers

窨井盖manhole covers

扰乱公共场所秩序undermining public order

公共交通工具上行为不当acting inappropriately onpublic transport

破坏私人或公共财物damaging private or publicproperty

玩忽职守dereliction of duty

滥用职权abuse of power


火星探测任务Mars exploration mission

行星探测任务 planetary exploration mission

探月工程 lunar exploration program

重型运载火箭 heavy-lift carrier rocket

在轨测试 in-orbit test

载人空间站 manned space station

助推火箭 booster rocket

发射中止系统 launch abort system

发射场 launch site

可重复使用运载火箭 reusable carrier rocket




an educationsystem which comprehensively fosters the students all-round moral, intellectual,physical and aesthetic grounding with a hard-working spirit

人才培养体系 the personnel fostering system

综合能力 comprehensive capability 

素质教育 well-rounded education 

教书育人 impart knowledge and cultivate people

无症状病毒携带者 a symptomatic virus carrier 

在没有任何症状的情况下,病毒测试呈阳性 test positive for coronavirus while showing no symptoms

跟踪密切接触者 trace close contacts


中国留学人员健康安全 health and safety of overseas Chinese students

防疫物资 epidemic prevention materials

健康包 health kits

重大航空运输保障机制 major air transportation guarantee mechanism

包机 charter flights

区域协调发展战略 coordinated regional development strategy

城市群 city clusters

京津冀协同发展 coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region

城乡融合发展 integrated urban and rural development


应急储备 emergency stockpile

请求为医务工作者提供防护装备 plea for protective gear for hospital workers

护面罩 face shields

Tomb-Sweeping Day 清明节

Cold Food Festival寒食节

Day of sacrifice 祭祀节日

Offer sacrifices toancestors 祭祖/上供

Memorial essay 悼文

Online tomb-sweeping网上祭扫

Internet memorial 网络纪念馆

condolence 哀悼之情

joss paper 纸钱

funeral supplies/products殡葬用品

funeral services 殡葬服务业

commercial cemetery经营性公墓

mortician 殡仪业者

burn incense 焚香

tomb-sweeping 扫墓

tomb sweeper 扫墓的人

kite flying 放风筝

spring outing 踏青

gods lantern 神灯

memorial tablet 纪念碑

willow branches insertedon each gate门旁插柳

online funeral网上葬礼

online tribute网上悼念

affordable grave经济适用墓

cremation urn骨灰盒


发挥优势 draw on strengths

反腐工作 anti-corruption campaign

反对"台独"  against" Taiwan independence"

改革创新 carry out reform and innovation

改善民生 improve peoples welfare

死亡人数 death toll

单日纪录 single day record

网上悼念 online tribute

绿水青山就是金山银山 lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets

绿色发展 green development

吊唁簿 condolence books

评定为烈士 identified as martyrs

全国哀悼日 national day of mourning

讣告 obituary

悼文 eulogy


综合管廊integrated underground utility piping network

终端能源消费结构end-use energy consumption structure

绿色能源输配网络green energy transmission and distribution network

分布式可再生能源distributed renewable energy

分布式光伏distributed photovoltaic

充电桩charging pile


邮政设施postal facilities

光纤网络optical network

无废城市zero-waste city

减量化,资源化,无害化:reduction, recycling and harmless disposal of waste

垃圾分类收运classified collection and transportation of waste

原生垃圾raw refuse

垃圾干湿分离separation of wet and dry waste


综合行政审批体系comprehensive governmental review and approval system

智能信息杆柱intelligent information pole

移动物联网mobile IoT

增强型移动物联网enhanced mobile IoT

广域网络wide area network (WAN)

智能响应intelligent response

全方位人车路感知终端all-round driver-vehicle-road sensing terminal

逝者 the deceased

防空警报 air raid sirens

停止公共娱乐活动 suspend public recreational activities

扫墓 clean the gravesites


空间弹性 flexibility of space

高起点规划,高标准建设,高质量发展plans with high starting point, construction of high standardsand development of high quality

政府主导,市场运作 government-led and market-oriented operation

分类分步,有序承接 make the transfer in an orderly and category-by-category manner

公共服务设施配套supporting facilities for public services

中西合璧,以中为主,古今交融  combining Chinese andWestern elements, with the Chinese as the core, while integrating ancient andmodern styles

股市震荡 major fluctuations in stock markets

固定资产投资增长过快 excessive investment in fixed assets

国际经济走势 the latest trends and developments in the world economy

国情 national conditions

国债 treasury bonds

海外媒体 overseas media

新型冠状病毒的持续症状  persistent symptoms ofcoronavirus

全球产业链供应链 the global industrial and supply chains

联动发展 inter-connected development

 谷物基本自给、口粮绝对安全 basic self-sufficiency of grain and absolute security of staplefood

粮食储备能力 food reserve capacity

粮食生产能力 grain production capacity

耕地保护红线 the red line for the protection of cultivated land


汽车影院 drive-in movie theaters

快递 delivering goods

远程办公 remote working

远程医疗 tele-medicine

新型商业模式 new business models

数字化转型 digital transformation

产业数字化 industrial digitization

数字产业化 digital industrialization

新型基础设施 new infrastructure

5G 网络 5G networks

智能制造 intelligent manufacturing

共享经济 sharing economy

战略性新兴产业 strategic emerging sectors

实时交通信息 real-time traffic information

扫描健康码 scan health codes

远程办公 telecommuting/telework


威胁暂停向世卫组织提供资金 threaten to put U.S. funding to WHO onhold

请将疫情与政治隔离Please quarantine politicizing COVID-19

推卸责任 play the blame game

解除离汉通道管控 lift out bound travel restrictions in Wuhan

疫情防控向好形势 positive trend in epidemic prevention and control

恢复生产生活秩序 restoration of normal production and everyday life

复试税则 complex tariff


物联网 Internet of Things

5G 商用 commercializationof5G

5G 套餐 5Gdataplans

技术规范 technical specification

网络堵塞 network congestion

数据传输速度 data transmission speed

外防输入、内防反弹 guarding against imported cases and preventing a resurgence of theoutbreak at home

无症状感染者精准防控 targeted management of asymptomatic cases

大萧条以来最严重的经济危机 the worst economic fallout since the Great Depression

负增长 negative growth

人均收入增长 per capita income growth

局部复苏 partial recovery

陆生野生动物 wild terrestrial animals

水生动物 aquatic animals

家畜家禽 poultry and livestock

伴侣动物 companion animal

野生动物保护 wild animal protection


加强社会主义精神文明建设 promote socialist cultural and ethical standards

金融资产管理公司  asset-management company

经济体制改革和政治体制改革  reform of political andeconomic systems

精简机构  downsize the institutions

城市生态绿网urban ecological green network

城市绿地公园urban green land parks

综合公园comprehensive parks

社区公园community parks

专类公园theme parks

遗址公园historic site parks

生态公园ecological parks

带状公园linear parks

无障碍设计barrier-free design

郊野公园countryside parks

积分落户制度 points-based hukou (household registration)system


从严治党 strengthen Party self-discipline

党风廉政 good Party conduct and clean governance

廉政治理体系 clean governance mechanism

正风肃纪 tighten discipline and improve Party conduct

秉公用权,干净干事 exercise power impartially and work with clean conduct

控制性详细规划 controlled detailed plan

社会参与机制 social participation

生态保护红线 ecological protection redline


总体国家安全观holistic view of national security

防抗救相结合combining prevention, mitigation and relief

常态减灾,非常态救灾disaster mitigation as daily routine and disaster relief as emergency response

抢险救援 emergencyrescue and disaster relief

城市安全监测预警系统urban security warning and monitoring system

防灾减灾 disasterprevention and mitigation

过境危险品运输车辆transit vehicles delivering hazardous goods

安全生产责任制responsibility system for safe production

边境地区 borderregions

关闭边境口岸通道closure of border crossings

输入病例 importedcases

医学观察 medicalobservation

入境旅客 inboundtravelers

无症状病人asymptomatic patients

为期两周的隔离 afortnight quarantine

血清抗体检测 serumantibody testing

应急演练 emergencydrills

轮流在卡口工作 workin shifts at checkpoints

无接触服务non-contact services

跨境电商综合试验区 integrated pilot zones for cross-border e-commerce

加工贸易 processing trade

网上举办广交会 hold the Canton Fair online

免征增值税和消费税 exemption of value-added and consumption taxes

跨境电商零售进口 retail imports of cross-border e-commerce

共建共享海外仓 jointly build and share overseas warehouses

就业歧视 job discrimination

就业公平 fair employment

跳槽 job hopping

劳动合同 labor contract

共享员工 employee sharing

用工荒 workforce crunch

灵活就业 flexible employment

劳务派遣 labor dispatch


城市重大危险源台账 record of major urban sources of dangers and risks

防空防灾一体化 integration of air defense and disaster prevention

应急指挥救援系统 command and rescue emergency response system

城市安全技术研究院 urban security technological research institute

应急物资储备库 storage pool for emergency supplies

综合性消防救援队伍 firefighting team

街面警务工作站 police station son streets


临床试验 clinical trial

重组新型冠状病毒疫苗 recombinant vaccine for novel coronavirus

基因工程 genetic engineering

灭活疫苗 an inactivated vaccine

经过严格体检 undergo a strict physical checkup

注射疫苗 give an injection of the vaccine

候选药物 candidate drugs

应急使用 emergency usage

年产一亿剂 annualoutputof100milliondoses

掩盖新冠病毒传播 coverupthespreadoftheCOVID-19virus

低估疫情造成的威胁 downplay the threat from the epidemic

把病毒政治化 politicize the virus

导致数百万人失业 force millions into the unemployment queues

采取严格措施控制疫情 take stringent measures to contain the epidemic

复工复产 resume work and production

有序返岗 get back to work in an orderly manner

常态化疫情防控 regular epidemic prevention and control

健康包 health kits

防疫物资 epidemic prevention materials

包机 charter flights

中国留学人员健康安全 health and safety of overseas Chinese students

评定会费 assessed contribution

自愿捐款 voluntary contribution

全球公共卫生安全 international public health security

新冠肺炎疫情防控全球阻击战 global war against the COVID-19outbreak

跨境传播 cross-border spread


自由贸易试验区 pilot free trade zones

开放新高地 pacesetters of opening-up

多边贸易体制 multilateral trading system

新一轮高水平对外开放 a new round of high-level opening-up

新冠疫情的隔离措施 coronavirus distancing

群体免疫 herd immunity

被感染者 infected people

易感染者 susceptible people

对美国决定暂停向世卫组织缴纳会费表示遗憾 regret the U.S. decision to halt its funding to the WHO

与合作伙伴一起填补财政缺口 work with the partners to fill financial gaps

确保工作不间断  ensure that the workcontinues uninterrupted

对新冠病毒作出预警 sound the alarm over the coronavirus


在家办公 work from home(WFH)

丛林大火 bushfire

个人防护用品 personal protective equipment(PPE)

自动存取车辆 automatic motor vehicle parking and pickup

车位预定 reserving motor vehicle parking space

无感支付 convenient automated payment

车路协同信控 signal control for vehicles-roads coordination

区域诱导联控 regional guidance and joint control

交叉口可变导向 reversible lanes in intersections

路段潮汐通行 rush-hour commute

区域单向循环 regional one-way circulation

交通云控transport cloud control

智能调度公交public transport intelligent dispatch

无症状感染者 asymptomatic coronavirus carriers

流行病学调查 epidemiological investigation

无症状感染者精准防控 targeted management of a symptomatic cases

堵住漏洞 fix loopholes

疫情反弹 are bound of the outbreak

消费券 consumer coupons

解封 lift of the lockdown

复工 work resumption

餐饮业 the catering industry

出台政策 rollout policies

大型电商平台 large-scale e-commerce platforms

激活消费 activate consumption

直播 livestreaming

实体店 physical stores

连锁超市 chain supermarkets

国内生产总值 gross domestic product(GDP)

国民经济运行情况 national economic performance

带来严峻考验 pose a severe test

工业增加值 value-added industrial output

经济指标 economic indicator

对工业生产造成巨大影响 deal a huge blow to industrial production

调查失业率 surveyed unemployment rate

疫情 epidemic

UNITAID (联合援助国际药品采购机制,简称联合援助)就是 unitedaid 缩略形式。


释放消费潜力 unleash consumption potential

经济刺激措施 economic stimulus measure

直播电商 livestream-commerce

市场活力 market vitality

市场预期 market expectations

商品召回或是下架 recall a product; pull off shelves


公共租赁房 public rental houses

共有产权房 houses with joint property rights

投机炒房 speculative investment in houses

公交廊道 public transport corridor

市场租赁房 commercial rental houses

轨道站点 railway station

政企分开Separation of Government and Business


绿色交通 green traffic

尺度宜人的城市街道 urban roads in properly and moderately designed size

城市交通微循环 micro-circulation of urban traffic

小街区,密路网的路网体系 dense road network system with small building blocks

单元集散道路 unit distribution roads

城市快速路 urban expressway

高速区段 section of highway

薛定谔的猫 Erwin SchrödingersCat  (这个应该不是今年的)

一线工作者 frontline workers

在抗击新冠肺炎疫情的斗争中牺牲sacrifice lives in combating the novel coronavirus epidemic

杰出代表 outstanding representatives

坚守岗位 stick to the post

突发公共卫生事件 public healthemergency

在线新经济 online new economy

具有国际影响力、国内领先的在线新经济发展新高地a budding highland of the online new economy with global influence andnational superiority

无人工厂 unmanned factory

在线教育 online education

无接触配送 contactless delivery

健康状态 health status

集中观察 concentrated observation

居家观察 home-based observation

未见异常 no sign of abnormality

健康码 health QR code

复工复产 resume work andproduction

差异化精准防控策略 precise anddifferentiated epidemic control strategies

数字化健康证明 digital healthcertificate

出行轨迹 travel records


传染病检疫及监测 quarantining and monitoring of infectious diseases

病毒携带者 virus carrier

 传染途径 route of transmission

 输入病例 imported case

流行病学调查 epidemiological investigation

集中观察 concentrated observation

外防输入、内防反弹  prevent the coronavirus fromre-entering the country to cause a new epidemic

境外输入关联病例 cases resulting from virus carriers traveling from abroad/patientsinfected by virus carriers traveling from abroad

形式主义 the practice of formalities for formalities sake

基层减负 reduce burden on community-level officials

八项规定 eight-point frugality code

工作作风 work style

停止无端指责 stop groundless accusations

攻击抹黑他国 attack and smear on other countries

病原体的“同谋” an accomplice of the pathogen

聚焦国内抗疫 focus on curbing the pandemic at the domestic level

相互指责 point fingers at each other

追责索赔 accountability and compensation

囤积个人防护设备牟取暴利 hoard personal protective equipment and profiteer from it

颠倒是非 distort the truth

防护服 protective clothing


现场无人员伤亡 no casualties at the scene

重大生产安全事故 severe production safety accident

危险化学品废物的存放 storage of hazardous chemical waste

控制企业主要负责人 bring the person responsible for the company under control

财产损失 property damage

着火 catch fire

灭火 extinguish the blaze

化工厂 chemical plant

数字基础设施建设 construction of digital infrastructure

5G 增强技术 5G enhancement technology

6G 技术 6G technology

创新链、产业链、资金链、政策链 innovation, industrial, capital and policy chains

推动产业升级 advance industrial upgrading 

quid pro quo 补偿


重新考虑暂停提供资金 reconsider the suspension of funding

跨越物种屏障 jump the species barrier

进行调查 conduct an investigation

病例数量反弹 a resurgence in cases

医疗物资自由流通 free flow of medical supplies

阻断传播路径 cut transmission chains

就业优先政策 pro-employment policies

减负、稳岗、扩就业并举 take multi-pronged measures, including reducing corporate burdens,keeping the payroll stable, and creating more jobs

多渠道灵活就业 flexible employment through multiple channels

线上登记失业和申领失业保险金 online registration of unemployment and application forunemployment security insurance

精准对接劳务输出地和输入地 accurately connect both ends of labor transfer

超级粉丝 superfan/biggest fan

热门话题 trending topics

流量 traffic/online traffic/data

明星效应 influence/effect

网红 internet personalities/internet celebrities/influencers/KOLKey Opinion Leader

粉丝文化 fandom culture

信息发布机制 information release mechanism

集中拉网式排查 massive screening of potential virus carriers

中西医并用 combined use of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Westernmedicine

在线诊疗 online diagnosis and treatment

提升公共卫生水平 improve public health


窨井盖 manhole covers

扰乱公共场所秩序 undermining publicorder

公共交通工具上行为不当 acting inappropriatelyon public transport

破坏私人或公共财物 damaging private orpublic property

玩忽职守 dereliction of duty

滥用职权 abuse of power

天然屏障natural boundary

生态保护红线ecological protection red line

绿水青山就是金山银山 lucid waters and lushmountains are invaluable assets

临床试验 clinical trials

备选疫苗 vaccine candidates

诊断和治疗 diagnostics andtherapeutics

遏制新型冠状病毒传播 prevent thetransmission of COVID-19 virus

全球合作 worldwide collaboration

含有佐剂的疫苗 an adjuvanted vaccine

增强免疫应答 enhance immune response

控制疫情 bring the epidemicunder control


行星探测任务planetary exploration mission

探月工程lunar exploration program

重型运载火箭heavy-lift carrier rocket

在轨测试 in-orbit test

载人空间站 manned space station

助推火箭booster rocket

发射中止系统launch abort system

发射场launch site

可重复使用运载火箭reusable carrier rocket

翻吧4月热词1全国哀悼日:national mourning day/降半旗:national flags fly at half-mast

2居家追思或网络祭:commemorative activities at home or online/网上祭扫平台:online platforms for commemoration

3新冠肺炎“无症状感染者”:asymptomatic COVID-19 patients/

4人民战争、总体战、阻击战:a major battle that takes all-out efforts from every one of us/跨境流动:cross-border movement

5全国高考延期:Gaokao postponement

6social distancing:社交隔离

1mob grazing:放牧中转


3regenerative agriculture:可再生农业



6shed effect:库房效应


8silver striver:退而不休的“银斗士”

9grey tsunami:银发海啸

1健康申报:declaration of health information

2可食用陆生动物:edible terrestrial animals/长期人工饲养驯化:long-term breeding and taming by human

3囤积粮食:hoard groceries

4富通信服务:rich communication services/5G消息业务:5G messaging service

5伪造销售额:fabricates sales/虚增交易:fabricating transactions

1fearware: 恐惧病毒攻击


3bracelet of silence:隔音手环

4FONC/fear of not chilling:不在家不心安

5serial returner:连环退货者 



1新冠病毒灭活疫苗: COVID-19 inactivated vaccines 

2新型冠状病毒的大规模流行病学调查:a major epidemiological survey of the novel coronavirus/咽拭子:throat swabs

3公平就业:fair employment/ 就业歧视:job discrimination

4包机:charter plane/charter flight

5线下消费券: the vouchers for offline payments

62.5天休假:2.5-day weekend

7economic contract: 经济萎缩

8assessed contribution:评定会费/voluntary contribution:自愿捐款

9phased reduction in oil production:分阶段石油减产

1fem den:女性专用室/配楼

2granny pod:奶奶房间

3collab house:社交媒体直播工作室

4property noir:黑屋子 


6flight shaming:航行内疚

7net zero:净零排放

8Green Friday: 绿色星期五

1  “点对点”一站式运输:"point-to-point" non-stop transportation

2盗窃、破坏井盖:theft and destruction of manhole covers

3火星探测任务:Mars exploration mission/天问:Tianwen/中国行星探测任务: planetary exploration missions


5负值:(oil price in) negative territory


来自低风险地区的人们不再需要接受14天的隔离。People from low-risk areas no longer need to undergo 14-day quarantine.

防控措施调整adjustments of prevention and control measures;

疫情暴发的风险已得到缓解。The risk of outbreak has been generally mitigated.

应急响应emergency response


评估安全性和有效性evaluate the safety and efficacy;

进入二期临床阶段enter phase two of clinical trials;

由...牵头spearheaded by;

灭活疫苗inactivated vaccine;

腺病毒载体疫苗adenovirus vector vaccine;

中国也在测试恢复期血浆治疗、干细胞治疗和单克隆抗体等方式治疗新冠肺炎。China is also testing convalescent plasma transfusion, stem cell therapy, and monoclonal antibodies to treat COVID-19.


临床症状clinical symptoms;

在院新冠肺炎患者清零clear all COVID-19 cases in hospitals;

艰苦斗争arduous fight;

照顾到每一个人leave no one unattended to;

复工work resumption;

下一步,武汉必须继续防范输入性病例,同时防止疫情再次暴发。For the next step,Wuhan must keep guarding against imported cases while preventing a resurgence of the outbreak.


临床试验 clinical trials;

备选疫苗 vaccine candidates;

诊断和治疗diagnostics and therapeutics;

遏制新型冠状病毒传播prevent the transmission of COVID-19 virus;

全球合作worldwide collaboration;

含有佐剂的疫苗an adjuvanted vaccine;

增强免疫应答enhance immune response;

控制疫情bring the epidemic under control

【新冠病毒将与人类长期共存 世卫呼吁美国重新考虑暂停资助决定】

重新考虑暂停提供资金 reconsider the suspension of funding;

跨越物种屏障 jump the species barrier;

进行调查conduct an investigation;

病例数量反弹 a resurgence in cases;

医疗物资自由流通 free flow of medical supplies;

阻断传播路径cut transmission chains


现场无人员伤亡 no casualties at the scene;

重大生产安全事故 severe production safety accident;

危险化学品废物的存放 storage of hazardous chemical waste;

控制企业主要负责人bring the person responsible for the company under control;

财产损失 property damage;

着火catch fire;

灭火 extinguish the blaze;

化工厂chemical plant


消费券 consumer coupons;

解封 lift of the lockdown;

复工 work resumption;

餐饮业the catering industry;

出台政策roll out policies;

大型电商平台large-scale e-commerce platforms;

激活消费activate consumption;

直播 livestreaming;

实体店physical stores;

连锁超市chain supermarkets


对美国决定暂停向世卫组织缴纳会费表示遗憾regret the U.S. decision to halt its funding to the WHO;

与合作伙伴一起填补财政缺口work with the partners to fill financial gaps;

确保工作不间断 ensure that the work continues uninterrupted;

我们不团结在一起,病毒便会趁虚而入。When we are divided, the virus exploits the cracks between us.

对新冠病毒作出预警sound the alarm over the coronavirus


临床试验 clinical trial;

重组新型冠状病毒疫苗recombinant vaccine for novel coronavirus;

基因工程 genetic engineering;

灭活疫苗an inactivated vaccine;

经过严格体检undergo a strict physical checkup;

注射疫苗give an injection of the vaccine;

候选药物 candidate drugs;

应急使用emergency usage;

年产一亿剂 annual output at 100 million doses

【黑龙江新增49例俄罗斯输入病例 绥芬河方舱医院改造基本完成】

边境地区 border regions;

关闭边境口岸通道closure of border crossings;

输入病例 imported cases;

医学观察 medical observation;

入境旅客 inbound travelers;

无症状病人 asymptomatic patients;

为期两周的隔离 a fortnight quarantine;

血清抗体检测serum antibody testing;

应急演练emergency drills;

轮流在卡口工作work in shifts at checkpoints;

无接触服务 non-contact services


为了遏制新冠病毒的蔓延,武汉曾“封城”11周。从4月8日开始,武汉解除外出管控。Wuhan started lifting outbound travel restrictions from April 8 after almost 11 weeks of lockdown to stem the spread of COVID-19.

高速公路收费站expressway toll station;

实时交通信息real-time traffic information;

扫描健康码scan health codes;


英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊新冠肺炎病情恶化,被转入重症监护病房。British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been moved to an intensive care unit in hospital after his novel coronavirus symptoms worsened.

新型冠状病毒的持续症状persistent symptoms of coronavirus;

约翰逊已授权英国外交大臣多米尼克•拉布在必要时代理他的职责。Johnson has asked Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab to deputise for him where necessary.

【清明节共寄哀思 全国下半旗志哀】

全国和驻外使领馆下半旗志哀。National flags have been lowered to half-mast across the country and at Chinese embassies and consulates abroad.

深切悼念抗击新冠肺炎疫情斗争牺牲烈士和逝世同胞mourn for martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the fight against the COVID-19 outbreak and compatriots who died of the epidemic;

逝者 the deceased;

防空警报air raid sirens;

停止公共娱乐活动suspend public recreational activities;

扫墓 clean the gravesites


全球确诊病例最多为美国,累计突破23万例,死亡病例为5648例。The United States has reported the most cases, which have surpassed 236,000, along with 5,648 deaths.

死亡人数death toll;

单日纪录single day record

截至4月1日,美国有20万余人的新型冠状病毒检测呈阳性。More than 200,000 people in the United States have tested positive for the novel coronavirus as of April 1.

应急储备emergency stockpile;

请求为医务工作者提供防护装备plea for protective gear for hospital workers;

护面罩face shields

【截至3月30日, 我国接受医学观察的无症状感染者为1541例】

无症状病毒携带者asymptomatic virus carrier;

在没有任何症状的情况下,病毒测试呈阳性test positive for coronavirus while showing no symptoms;

应采取更多措施应对与无症状病例相关的病毒传播。More measures should be taken to tackle the spread of the virus related to asymptomatic cases.

跟踪密切接触者trace close contacts



