A ‘Holistic’ Curriculum at Wycombe Abbey
1983年美国心理学家霍华德 · 加德纳在其著作《智能的结构》中首次提出了“多元智能理论”。霍华德 · 加德纳教授是哈佛大学教育研究生院的首席研究教授。
The theory of ‘Multiple Intelligences’ was first proposed by the American psychologist Howard Gardner in his book “Frames of Mind” in 1983. Howard Gardner is currently a leading Research Professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Gardner’s theory challenged the notion that there only exists one form of intelligence, a general intelligence, often linked with logical abilities and scored as ‘IQ’. Gardner proposed there are instead a number of spheres of intelligence, none necessarily of greater importance than any other.
In many independent schools in the UK, Gardner’s theories have now been accepted as the educational model, because it allows educationalists to take all forms of intelligence as seriously as any other, so there is no definitive scale of intelligence and children can be nurtured and praised for different forms of learning and development across many fields.
Gardner suggests there are at least eight forms of intelligence:
语言智能 Linguistic
逻辑智能 Logical
空间智能 Spatial
动觉智能 Kinesthetic
音乐智能 Musical
交际智能 Interpersonal
内省智能 Intrapersonal
自然智能 Naturalistic
This approach in education is often referred to as the ‘holistic’ approach, a word embraced by Wycombe Abbey as we seek to develop children in a multi-dimensional way.
传统意义上来说,学校通常将前两类智能(语言智能和逻辑智能)作为教学基础。语言智能和逻辑智能通常体现在阅读、写作和数学等学科上。过去,在这些学科上表现优秀的学生被评为“最优秀”或“最聪明”的学生。然而, 有了“多元智能”的概念,教师们会重新思考他们对“优秀”和“聪明”的定义,因为“多元智能理论”拓宽了其定义。
Traditionally, it was the first two categories (linguistic and logical) which were put on a pedestal in schools. Linguistic and logical intelligence is generally manifested in subjects like Reading, Writing and Mathematics, and it was the students who excelled in these who used to be classed as the‘brightest’or‘smartest . However, with the notion of‘multiple intelligences’, teachers had to re-think their definitions of‘bright’and smart’as intelligence suddenly took on a much wider definition.
By placing all these intelligences on an equal footing, teachers can nurture and develop all aspects of the student’s character, endeavouring to enrich the child holistically across all disciplines.
In the UK, a child who has developed holistically, is often termed a‘well-rounded’individual, showing that he/she has skills, knowledge and experience in many fields - academic, physical social and more. And it is precisely this type of student who is the most appealing to international universities as they seek to recruit young people who can contribute to every aspect of university life, whether it is on the sports field, on the stage, in a research laboratory or on the student council.
In the Primary School at Wycombe Abbey, we are very proud of our diverse and colourful curriculum which has been designed specifically to develop children in a holistic way. Along with the core-curricular subjects of English, Chinese and Maths, which greatly enhance linguistic and logical thinking, there are also the subjects of Science, Moral Education (PSHE) and Topic which lean towards the naturalistic, interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligences. In addition, Physical Education and Music involve the kinesthetic, spatial and musical forms of intelligence. The remaining subjects of Art, DT and ICT often combine spatial and logical thinking.
On top of these, we offer a vast array of ECAs (extra-curricular activities), which will help nurture any one of these spheres of intelligence. For example, chess club and board games club will no doubt develop the logical and spatial intelligences in the student, whereas rollerblading, fencing and golf will predominantly be developing kinesthetic and spatial awareness. Creative story writing, on the other hand, will not only help develop linguistic awareness, but also expand interpersonal and intrapersonal thinking, as the students consider plot, character and motivation in their stories.
Children’s development remains the most fascinating and rewarding part of our profession as educators, and at Wycombe Abbey we see every student first and foremost as an individual who needs an education specifically personalized to his/her needs and requirements on the long and exciting journey of learning.
By drawing on the theory of multiple intelligences, we are able to nurture every aspect of the student’s educational growth, with the sole aim of developing happy, fulfilled students who walk with a smile and a spring in their step.
Edward Philpott
Primary Deputy Head
常州威雅招收3-18周岁适龄学生并对7岁以上学生开放学院制寄宿。学校采用小班制教学,秉承“每一个孩子都卓越” 的教育愿景和全人教育办学理念。不仅重视学生卓越学术能力的培养,更通过音乐、艺术、运动等全方位高品质课外课程以及丰富且有挑战性的研学旅行项目,深入挖掘每一位学生天赋和潜能,全面提升核心素养和全球化视野,帮助学生未来进入世界名校和终身发展奠定坚实的基础。
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