

2015年10月21日晚,赵小兰与父亲、美国著名企业家、慈善家赵锡成博士;妹妹、美国福茂集团副董事长赵安吉;妹夫、赵安吉丈夫国际顶尖投资家吉姆•布莱尔(Jim Breyer)一行四人,在北大发表主题演讲。泥巴青年有幸现场聆听,近距离感受儒雅大气、充满爱意的家风。












二0一五年十月二十一日, 星期三





很开心能陪伴我的父亲赵锡成博士,我最小的妹妹赵安吉以及他的丈夫Jim Breyer,有这次特别的中国之行。这也是我们四个人第一次共同在中国公共场合亮相,可以说是难能可贵!














第一、移民正在改变美国的人口构成。目前,非裔美国人约占13%的人口,拉美裔美国人约占14%的人口,亚太裔美国人约占6%的人口,其余66% 的人口则是白人。根据2015年9月28日出炉的一项新的皮尤研究报告,在未来40年,尽管西班牙裔在美国总人口中仍占据一个更大的比例,亚裔将成为美国最大的移民群体。




















Remarks prepared for The Honorable Elaine L. Chao

24th U. S. Secretary of Labor (2001-2009)

Chair,Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Foundation

Peking University

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Beijing, China

Thank you all for being here.  What a great pleasure it is to be here withyou tonight! 

I am so pleased to be accompanying myfather, Dr. James S. C. Chao, my youngest sister, Angela Chao, and her husband,Jim Breyer, on this special trip to China.

This is the first time that all 4 of ushave appeared in public! 

We have just come from Anhui and Shanghai.In Anhui, Lai’an County, the birthplace of my beloved late mother, Ruth MulanChu Chao, my father has donated to the building of two new kindergartens: TheRuth Mulan Chu Chao Kindergarten, in Siyang, and The Ruth Mulan Chu Chaokindergarten in Gili. We attended the dedication ceremony on Thursday, October15, 2015.  It was so moving to see thehundreds of parents and spectators who came to witness the dedication and whowere so grateful for my father’s gift to their village.

My mother was one of the few women of hergeneration to receive an education.  Herstudies were interrupted by the wars which ravaged China at the time. But, shenever gave up her desire to finish her education. At the age of 53 years old,she finally obtained her Masters degree in Asian Literature and History.  

To commemorate my mother’s emphasis oneducation, her love for her native province, her life and her legacy, my fatherhas made this donation to enable the children of Lai’An County to access bettereducation for the benefit of their families and society in her name.   We hope the children and their families willbe inspired by my mother, Ruth Mulan Chu Chao’s life and legacy and emulate herspirit of determination, perseverance, altruism and love. 

The second purpose of our trip is to attendthe 20th anniversary celebration ceremony of the Yiren Kindergarten in JiadingCounty which was named in honor of my grandfather, Zhao Yiren. “Ren” isConfucianisms first virtue – kindness and concern for humanity.  No one personifies “yiren” better than mygrandfather. 

My grandfather was an educator in a ruralvillage. My father grew up in a rural farming environment.  He understood from personal experience thedifficulties of attaining access to education.

To commemorate my grandfathers emphasis oneducation, his generous and enthusiastic spirit to always help others, myfather has made this donation to enable the children of Malu County accessbetter education. We hope the children and their families will be inspired bymy grandfather’ Yiren Chao’s, spirit to persevere in the face of greatadversity and emulate his magnanimous spirit to always help others.

My parents always emphasized the importanceof education to advancement in life. They believed early childhood education is a key foundation to a better life. As China grows in importance on the world stage, it is important that itscitizens become more educated and knowledgeable to interact with the rest of the world that is increasingly interconnected.

Since I have lived most of my life overseasin America, and more students are going abroad to America, I hope I may offersome observations about what America and American culture is like.  As the U. S.-China relationship develops furtherin the years ahead, more students will come in contact with westerners and Ihope my remarks will help you understand and interact more effectively. 

To understand my experience, I hope I may sharethe story of my incredibly inspiring parents. My mother, Ruth Mulan Chu Chao, was the foundation of our family.  Everything our family has been able to achievein America was due to her diligence, sacrifices, determination, and love. 

She and my father share a wonderful lovestory. At the age of 22, she married my father, a young man of great ability,diligence, and promise.  

For first seven years of their marriage, myfather steadily progressed in his career to become one of the youngest actingsea captains in Chinese history at the age of 29. His career took him away frommy mother and our young family for months at a time.  For example, when my mother was about to givebirth to me, my father dropped her off at the hospital and then rushed on boardhis ship as it was sailing for another assignment. His ship did not return tohome port for another month.  So, myfather did not see me until I was one month old. 

When my mother was seven months pregnant,my father took the National Mariner Examination and scored number one, breakingall previous records, and thus had an opportunity to go to America. Even thoughshe was unsure how long our separation would be, she encouraged my father to goto America to start a new life for our family.

Our family was separated for three long yearsbefore my father was able to bring us to America.

When we first arrived in America, our initialyears were very difficult.  We didn’tunderstand the language, couldn’t eat the American food, didn’t understandAmerican culture, traditions and had no relatives or friends nearby. But throughoutthese adverse times, because my parents were always optimistic, hopeful for abetter future, hardworking, we never doubted that our futures would bebright.  

Throughout her life, my mother steadily workedin the background to help the family and make our home a place of solace and comfort.As mentioned, she was among the very few women of her generation to receive aneducation. She believed education was the key to advancement in a constantlychanging world. She herself resumed her education to obtain a masters degree inAsian literature and history when she was 53 years old. 

As China joins the ranks of developed nations,there will undoubtedly be even more interaction with the outside world,including Americans.  

I hope the following observations, whilegreatly generalized in nature of necessity in this discussion, will providesome insights on what American and Americans are like:

1. Immigration is changing the compositionof U. S. population. Currently, African Americans comprise about 13% of the population,Hispanic Americans comprise about 17% of the population and Asian PacificAmericans are about 6% of the total population with the remainder (62%) beingwhite.  According to a new Pew Researchstudy that came out on September 28, 2015, over the next 40 years, Asians willbecome the single largest immigrant group in America although Hispanics willremain a larger share of Americas overall population.  By 2055, Pew estimates that36% of the foreignborn population will be Asian, compared with 34% Hispanic. No racial or ethnicgroup will constitute a majority of the U. S. population.  Whites are projected to become less than halfof the U. S. population by 2055 and 46% by 2065.  Hispanics will see their population sharerise to 24% by 2065 from 18% in 2015 while Asians will see their share rise to14% by 2065.   No group will beconsidered a "majority" population. Everyone will be a member of a “minority group”. So, don’t be afraid tobe a part of this multiracial society.  

2. Effective communication skills - bothverbal and written - are important. America is a verbal society. Because it is a society consisting of people from all differentbackgrounds, overt verbal communications is important.

Some communications tips:

In Asia, people are much more practiced andskilled at reading nonverbal communication cues and are good at anticipatingwhat the other person is saying or want. In America, do not expect others toanticipate what you want.  If you wantsomething, you must learn to speak up and ask for it clearly.  If not, you will not get what you want.

If you dont understand something, donthesitate to ask.  You will find that mostAmericans are patient and generous with their time and explanations.

Americans also interrupt each otherconstantly – don’t be offended. You can interrupt as well.  It is not considered bad manners.  You do not have to wait until the other personfinishes before you talk.  In fact, inAmerica, the other person is expecting you to interrupt. If you do not, he orshe will just continue to talk and you will not have a chance to talk.   

3. Relatively speaking, America is NOT ahierarchal society. It prides itself as an egalitarian society. 

If Americans want to say something –generally speaking, they will say it without much consideration as tohierarchy, tradition, or precedence - who’s senior, more superior, older, or inhigher position.  This may appear rude,or arrogant, but in American culture, it facilities exchange of ideas,brainstorming, and overall communications.

4. Americans emphasize individualism, notthe group.  American culture celebratesbeing different than other people. 

They tend to do things they like –regardless of whether others around them like it or not. 

For example, look at the way Americansorder and eat their food in a restaurant. Chinese share a communal meal eating from dishes set in the center ofthe table for everyone.  American mealsare served in their own portions and Americans eat what they choose –what theylike - which can be very different from what the person next to them hasordered. 

It is not unusual to allow and in fact,encourage small children to make decisions on what they want to wear everymorning. American youngsters are encouraged to make their own choices, formtheir own opinions, speak their own opinions at a very early age.

So, if someone does or says something youdon’t like, don’t be offended or have your feelings hurt.  It probably is unintentional. The person wasprobably thinking of himself or herself first, not you. Don’t take itpersonally.

If you have an opinion, don’t hesitate orbe afraid to express it.  If youdisagree, you can express your disagreement. But be prepared for the other person to argue back. Most Americans arevery informal and it is not bad manners to express one’s disagreement in a civilway regardless of one’s status or rank. 

5. Yet as individualistic as Americans are,they also work well together as a team. Americans collaborate on teamwork whichis one of their strengths. 

6. If you make a mistake, don’t worry.  Mistakes occur all the time in Americanlife.  Very few mistakes are fatal.  Don’t worry too much about it.  Americans are very forgiving aboutmistakes. 

7. America is a young country that respondsto energy. People succeed there because they not only work hard but they lovewhat they are doing.   The Chineseencourage their children to shore up their weaknesses, mend theirweaknesses.  The Americans don’t pay muchattention to their weaknesses.  Theyemphasize their strengths – meaning, they work to cultivate their talents.

8. American culture is very affirming –very positive.  They give a lot ofpositive reinforcements.  They are alwayssaying:  Thank you. You’re doinggreat!  Keep going.  That was good!  They encourage by positivereinforcements. 

I hope these observations borne out of myown experiences - which are by no means definitive – are interesting and helpful.

China has gone through one of the fastest transformationsin human history in the last 30+ years. As you live and work through such greatchanges in your own lives, may I offer some closing thoughts about the truetreasures in life. Though my father, Dr. James S C Chao, is obviously a verysuccessful man, he never sought material success. Throughout his life, his aimwas to contribute to Society, to be a good person. These are the values we grewup with as children. My father is a rich man because he is an outstanding son,husband, father, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and because he has led anexemplary life and has contributed much to Society. We, his children, arebeneficiaries of my parents love and guidance.  

As China rises, other peoples around theworld are increasingly interested in learning about China. The future of U. S.China relations must go in one direction – upward - for the mutual benefit ofboth countries and the world. You are part of the new generation of leaders whowill contribute to further enhancing China-United States relationship. Yourfutures are bright.  I wish you much successin your chosen field of endeavor and hope that you will.








